Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Diary extract No. 16

I bought one hundred wishes today at the penny shop. One hundred wishes for one hundred pennies. Not the ones that streak across dark skies or drop into empty wells, but little periwinkle draw tickets. Perforated, periwinkle dreams. I wished for grand summer parties in The Garden again. Honeybees chased after us, remember, our fingers sticky with Eton Mess and Candy Floss. Citronnade à la menthe would cool us when we'd run for far too long, ice clinking against our tiny teeth. Chattering parents lounged around picnic blankets dressed in light suits with bowties and summer gowns and boater hats and our giggles echoed against the endless blue above. The sun would dust our cheekbones with freckles and Papa would always try to kiss mine away, swung up in the air by his arms. 

Being a little girl is like growing up in that garden. Bony knees all bruised and skinned below our perfect pleats. We wore our brightly coloured plasters proudly, like wounds from The War. We stained our lace pinafores playing ring-around-the-rosy in the fields and Maman had told me one hundred times to stay away from the beck, but we were questing to find the faerie queen, hiding cake in the flowerbeds. Remember my itsy bitsy hand in Luna's as she dragged me over to meet the dairy farmer's son, tow-headed and Magnificent like Peter Pevensie. Remember the warmth in my cheeks, like Tigerlily Skin, but with that oddly tremendous feeling curling my toes into the grass. Then, Maman would call us over and re-plait the ribbons in our hair and we would sit demurely beside her, hands folded in our laps, collected flowers crushed in our pockets.

It was Everything I ever needed.


Anonymous said...

Oh how beautiful, and the pictures just make me wished I was there.
I hope all your wishes come true x

Elaine said...

this is really beautiful. reading it made me feel so nostalgic for my childhood... adventures are so much easier to find when you are little.

Anonymous said...

sounds just like everything i ever needed, too - and still need now.

peter was my favourite pevensie, apart from edmund :) xx

Molly said...

God, feels so dreamy and perfect...

Anonymous said...

oh thank you! i really did, except for all the cuts & bruises i ended up with after the epic bramble battle :) my favourite present may well be the bracelet you mentioned. it was from my granddad, and it belonged to his mother, who died when i was very very young. it's a solid gold charm bracelet and it was meant to be passed to my mum, but she asked my granddad to wait to give it to me when i was 18, so that was pretty special :) but my new camera was quite exciting too!

& yes, i have! it's going to be strange watching a narnia film without susan & peter, but it looks good all the same. it looks very different, but i am excited :)


minna said...

The summer garden parties you described in the first passage makes my heart ache with nostalgia. Sounds beautiful, dearest Elly. Especially Eton Mess & Candy Floss. I have such fond memories associated with the two.
You have left me in a complete state of contentment and warmth. It all feels so very familiar.
You are a beautiful star.
Minna <3

Anonymous said...

Elly, your entries are always so incredibly beautiful too, I absolutely adore the way you write, so childlike (in a good way of course) and so full of nostaligia and memories. I wish and wish and wish that I could visit that penny shop for wishes for myself, I know I too would wish for memories like the ones you have written, they make me yearn for childhood <3

p.s. Thankyou for the comment you left on my diary, and I do remember what I promised you and I am so glad you reminded me, because really, I needed somebody to say those words to me too so thankyou <3 xxx

heleen said...

This post was a perfect mixture of memories of the past and hopes for the future. I like how I never leave your blog without a smile on my face.

Anonymous said...

What is the name of the shop where you bought those wishes? I would like to buy a few for myself. One wish would be to step into your memories and experience those bright summer days for myself. It sounds like bliss and heaven, and the way you write is magnificent. Thank you for sharing your heart and mind with us. x

Anonymous said...

oh I could do with a few wishes myself, your blog is like a little rabbit hole into a magical and nostalgic world full of wonders. beautiful beautiful xxx

Rachel said...

i believe you were darling enough to send me some of your wish tickets. i shall have to think of something very special to wish for (perhaps more of K's smiles).

Anonymous said...

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou Elly for letting me share your wishes, it is so terribly kind of you (I will let you share some fairy wish dust if I ever find any) <3

Also, I just wanted to let you know that I have written a copy of your live magically list into my journal, so I can remember it forever and look at it when I feel like adding a little bit more magic into my life. I thought it was so, so lovely and inspiring <3 xxx

merricat said...

Thank you, dear! Yes, a treasure chest would do nicely.
This post is so beautiful, I wish I could dissolve into the photographs and wrap myself in your words xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh how your comment filled my heart with fluttering wings!
I feel so childlike here, in such a beautiful and nostalgic way that feels so pure. I am so eager to put on a white lace dress and go on a faerie hunt. To erase every worry and remember. Remember how to be young, the grass stains and wonderful cuts from rogue branches.

Anonymous said...

Oh Elly. Your diary is like a warm bath for my heart. So utterly comforting and it shoos all the coldness away. Thank you for that, dearie. xxx

grace said...

this is so absolutely beautiful, elly dear. tells me of sunshiney memories, of running about and times when gardens are as big as the world. the perfect comfort on a cold winter's night♥

Helena said...

this is absolutely wonderful
i've never wanted to return to my childhood so much

have a lovely day

Anonymous said...

wow, what a beautiful garden. I can't imagine just standing there and enjoying every second of it.

elly said...

thank you all so very much! you are such Treasures, it warms my poor little soul.

Post a Comment

like talking to trees, your whispers hidden in the wind. only sometimes the trees talk back. like wishing on a star and having the star wish on you. say what you like; there's always someone listening.
a very merry thank you.