Saturday, July 31, 2010

Diary extract No. 18

Where Susan reads dictionaries by torchlight in their bomb shelter, memorising the words and meanings by heart to keep her mind off the sound of the aeroplanes and explosions. Where Edmund clutches the framed photograph of his uniformed father to his chest. Perhaps he might play toy soldiers with us, lining up all the green ones. (He's hidden the khaki-coloured ones because he never wanted a War, pretend or not.) Where Lucy will lay her head in our laps and fiddle with the loose thread on our coats, stuffed dog tucked under her arm. Perhaps she might give us lessons on sleeping in the Blitz, how to breathe so we can't hear the bombs.  Where Peter sits beside the wireless, listening to Churchill's scratching voice rallying Hope and wishes he knew how to do the same for his family. He listens to the radio because he can't be there. So he does his best here, protects them as best he knows. 

Where the professor's War Drobe holds more than secrets. 

Where they are all waiting to be Brave.


Anonymous said...

dear, this made my heart sob just a little.

Ariana said...

Beautiful, Elly! And the stills you found are lovely also. xx

Gabriela said...

some kids are so unbelievably gorgeous. your words are beautiful!

MJ said...

This was absolutely wonderful. The Pevensie children came to life through your words.
It's so hard to be Brave. I wish I could be Brave all the time.

Melanie said...

My most favourite movie of all time, just beautiful ♥

Molly said...

I can't believe I've never seen that movie before. But after reading your words... well, emule is working right now, my dear :-)

Anonymous said...

Elly, these pictures are just perfect. I love reading your stories about being Brave, and I really, really wish I could be.
You give me hope xxx

Skye said...

Wasn't this just the best of films? I was so afraid, so utterly terrified that they'd ruin everything, but they didn't and I saw it three times at the pictures and many more since.

You words weave once-upon-a-times so well. xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh they are already brave, more brave than I can ever hope to be. Only brave children venture into air raid shelters and magical wardrobes. These are the most beautiful screenshots and the most thoughtful words, deer Elly. x

Athena. said...

This is a bit of my heart breaking, but in the loveliest and gentlest way possible.
I love this film; astonishingly so.

Anonymous said...

oh you have stolen a little piece of my heart, this is magical xxx

magnoliaamber said...

Elly dear, I have learn the same thing from Narnia. Be brave:) thank you for reminding us! I love the delicacy of Narnia, the foggy atmosphere... every single thing.

Molly said...

Wow, thank you, because I think I would never have seen it if I hadn't read your post the other day.

I just loved it! photography, that magic plot.. everything.


ps. sorry if sometimes i have spelling mistakes. I'm spanish, I'm just a beginner :P

Unknown said...

i love this movie x

Anonymous said...

Oh these stills are beautiful, and you wrote the Pevensies just perfectly. Oh dear, Narnia always makes me want to sob and smile all at once. xxx

Anonymous said...

oh, you've made me desperate to watch narnia now! ♥ xx

Anouk said...

great skills, i just adore this film.

Anonymous said...

Elly dear, the film stills you have chosen are so incredibly perfect, I hope that I go to bed tonight with these scenes in my head, that would be wonderful. And your descriptions of the Pevensies are so beautiful too <3 xxx

laura said...

haha i watched this the other day, brought back memories from when i had the entire book collection on cassette tape.

Rosie said...

beautiful!!!! i watched narnia just last week. i adore narnia. i wish to find my own narnia.


Wild Keiki said...

I love these books, and the movies, as well! I can't wait until the new movie comes out.


Ella said...

i haven't seen narnia in so long! nostalgia :)

Anonymous said...

Elly, Elly you are so tremendously wonderful; it's hard to breathe sometimes, waiting to be brave. Waiting is a childhood game we never give up, isn't it?

Rachel said...

Oh bother, I have just returned here and realized I didn't leave a comment yet. This is really lovely, Elly. The stills you got are perfect. Too bad Peter isn't going to be in the third film as much.(Or so I've heard. I am a terrible person and have not read more than one of the Narnia books. Just terrible.)

Hanna said...

NArnia!! love

Jessica Jane said...

I like how you make it so beautiful

B. said...

Oh dearest. This is perfect! I held my breath as I read your magic-filled words. You made my love for the darling Pevensie children grow bigger in my heart. I loved this post so much.
Oh your words, your dreams!
Oh your heart that creates such beauty!

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like talking to trees, your whispers hidden in the wind. only sometimes the trees talk back. like wishing on a star and having the star wish on you. say what you like; there's always someone listening.
a very merry thank you.