I miss my home. Only, I am not sure which home it is that I miss because sometimes I feel as though I have ten or twelve homes instead of one. I have made a new home out of sheets and filled it with my loveliest, most favourite treasures because I am lonely and have nowhere else to go. There is a door and a password to keep Loneliness away. Oliver-darling normally keeps me company, but the lace bear is nowhere to be found. I imagine he is hibernating somewhere secret. Perhaps that is what bears do when they are lonely. Perhaps we should learn from them and go to sleep when those tragic feelings start to glow in our stomachs.
When I am lonely, sometimes, I wake up in the early morning and drink my tea in silence, pretending everyone is still only sleeping. Tea is good for being lonely. Books are lovely friends, too, if no others can be found. I surround myself with Books and read aloud from one to all the others. Do Books ever read each other, I wonder? They are brilliant soldiers against Loneliness. Loneliness, who keeps us missing. Loneliness, who keeps us all from home. Loneliness who means the same as Lost.
oh, i am very much so in love with your blog dear, it is so, so beautiful. also, thankyou for your amazing words you left me <3
This is an amazing blog!!!! xx
You rock :)
You've enchanted me, darling with your phantasmagorical blog and hauntingly beautiful words that are still echoing in my mind. yes, loneliness is the same as being lost, isn't it? I find that revelation so scary, I'm quite sure I've become bruised, of sorts. Perhaps also, Loneliness isn't synonymous to be being alone, as many think; devoid of people, we can be content. But being lonely, well; as you've said, we become lost.
xx olivia
Oh, I love your diary so very much xx
I have just noted your comment:)
Let us wander around and find our serenity, thank you so much for what you promise:)
merci bcp for all your lovely, lovely words.
Where is this from? I know it, but I don't know from where...?
All words and photographs are original works. You shouldn't be seeing them anywhere else. x
Wow, I wrote down the quote 'They are brilliant soldiers against Loneliness. Loneliness, who keeps us missing. Loneliness, who keeps us all from home.' this time last year, but I don't think I've ever been to this blog before. I can't remember (or imagine) where I came across it. It's a lovely sentiment though.
Very strange...this is really bugging me!
Would you have published it elsewhere?
I googled it, and only this came up, which is how I was led here...
How strange! I might have published it on my tumblr, or perhaps someone else decided to share it? Or maybe you and I are simply great minds?
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like talking to trees, your whispers hidden in the wind. only sometimes the trees talk back. like wishing on a star and having the star wish on you. say what you like; there's always someone listening.
a very merry thank you.